Tag: japanese sword

  • Kata: Making a sword pattern

    Kata: Making a sword pattern

    A good to way to learn proper sword sugata, or silhouette, is to make a kata, or pattern, from 1.25-1.5mm thick sheet of mild steel. I bought a full sheet and cut it in about forty 5 cm wide bands of various lengths. The longest tachi won’t usually exceed 100 cm of zen-nagasa (full length,…

  • A tour of the forge

    A tour of the forge

    Wishing you a truly successful new year! This morning I fought my way out of my futon, and into winter. It was three degrees. Inside. The pipes were frozen. No water. They keep telling me “Aren’t you tough?! It’s much colder in Canada!“. “Yeah, but we have heating in our insulated houses,” I always reply.…

  • The Making of a Sword – Blog Project

    The Making of a Sword – Blog Project

    The Soulsmithing Web site has been up for years now, but it’s always been my dream to publish a regular newsletter, in the continuation of Kogei, to diffuse as much information on the world of japanese swords, swordsmithing and the culture in general. Editing and publishing a newsletter has proven too much work to fit…

  • Kiyota gets Doryoku-sho at the NBTHK 2007 forging competition!

    Kiyota gets Doryoku-sho at the NBTHK 2007 forging competition!

    Each year, the Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai (NBTHK – Society for the Preservation of the Japanese Art Sword) organizes competitions for the different fields of craftsmanship related to the Japanese Sword. Kiyota has submitted a sword almost every year since he became independent in 2000. His competition swords have always reflected his focus of…

  • Kiyota joins his master's group and goes to Lithuania for a demonstration!

    Kiyota joins his master's group and goes to Lithuania for a demonstration!

    For the second time, the Kawachi Ichi-mon Kai (Mukansa smith Kawachi Kunihira’s direct group of apprentices, including Kiyota) went to Lithuania this summer. This time, the group was part of a series of events on the general theme of japanese arts, along with traditional dance accompanied by koto and shamisen players, a bonsai exhibition, and…