Category: Gallery
Gallery: The Sumihira Zuku-Oshi Tatara
A week in images at Manabe Sumihira’s zuku-oshi tatara Mr.Manabe uses akome-satetsu, a type of complex iron ore that includes various types of oxides (Fe3O4, Fe2O3, FeO), a considerable amount of silica oxide as well as other important impurities. Most iron ores available for industrial purposes are closer to what is called masame-satetsu in Japan,…
Japanese Swords by Kiyota Jirokunietsu
All material presented on this page is copyrighted. 2007: Sue-Bizen Sukesada Yosozaemon-style short katana The swordsmith signature Sukesada was used by a considerable number of smith spanning the later part of the Muromachi period (1392-1573) through the first third of the Edo period (1600-1867). It is generally recognized that Sukesada Yosozaemon is one of the…